
Class Notes






Aristotle, Metaphysics I.9

Aristotle, Metaphysics XIII.1-3

Aristotle, Metaphysics XIII and XIV

Aristotle, Physics II.2

Aristotle, Physics XIII.8

Ayer, "The A Priori"

Azzouni, "On 'On What There Is'"

Baker, "Are There Genuine Mathematical Explanations of Physical Phenomena?"

Balaguer, "Against (Maddian) Naturalized Platonism"

Balaguer, "Fictionalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics"

Balaguer, "A New Platonist Epistemology"

Bangu, "Inference to the Best Explanation and Mathematical Realism"

Barker, "A Priori and Empirical Knowledge"

Barnes, "Metaphysics"

Benacerraf, "Mathematical Truth"

Benacerraf, "What Mathematical Truth Could Not Be - I"

Benacerraf, "What Numbers Could Not Be"

Berkeley, Selections from the Principles

Bostock, "Aristotle, Zeno, and the Potential Infinite"

Brouwer, "Consciousness, Philosophy, and Mathematics"

Brouwer, "Intuitionism and Formalism"

Burgess, "Why I Am Not a Nominalist"

Carnap, "Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology"

Colyvan, "The Eleatic Principle"

Colyvan, "Mathematical Recreation versus Mathematical Knowledge"

Colyvan, "Mathematics and Aesthetic Considerations in Science"

Colyvan, "The Quinean Backdrop"

Colyvan, "There's No Easy Road to Nominalism"

Dauben, "Cantor's Philosophy of the Infinite"

Descartes, Third and Fifth Meditations

Descartes, Synthetic Presentation from Second Replies

Dummett, "Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics"

Feferman, Introduction to Gödel, "What is Cantor's Coninuum Problem"

Field, "Introduction: Fictionalism, Epistemology, and Modality"

Field, "Knowledge of Mathematical Entities"

Field, Science Without Numbers: Selections, All

Frege, Grundlagen (The Foundations of Arithmetic) I

Frege, Grundlagen II (short)

Frege, Grundlagen II (long)

Frege, Letter to Russell

Friedman, "Explanation and Scientific Understanding"

Gentzen, "The Concept of Infinity in Mathematics"

Gettier, "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?"

Gillies, Frege, Dedekind and Peano

Gödel, "What is Cantor's Coninuum Problem (1947)"

Gödel, "What is Cantor's Coninuum Problem (1964)"

Grice and Strawson, "In Defence of a Dogma"

Hart, "Access and Inference"

Heyting, "Disputation"

Hilbert, "On the Infinite"

Hume, Selections on Mathematics

Kant, Selections from the Prolegomena

Kant, Selections from the Critique

Katz, "Conclusion: The Problems of Philosophy"

Katz, "The Epistemic Challenge to Realism"

Katz, "Toward a Realistic Rationalism"

Kitcher, "Arithmetic for the Millian"

Kitcher, "Explanatory Unification"

Kitcher, "Kant and the Foundations of Mathematics"

Kline, "Coordinate Geometry"

Kline, "The Creation of Classical Greek Mathematics"

Kline, "The Greek Rationalization of Nature"

Kline, "The Mathematization of Science"

Kline, "The Creation of the Calculus"

Lear, "Aristotle's Philosophy of Mathematics"

Leibniz, Selections from New Essays

Leng, "Mathematical Explanation"

Leng, "What’s Wrong With Indispensability? (Or, The Case for Recreational Mathematics)"

Locke, from the Essay 1.2, 4.2

Lyon and Colyvan, "The Explanatory Power of Phase Spaces"

MacBride, "Listening to Fictions: A Study of Fieldian Nominalism"

Maddy, "Indispensability and Practice"

Macosu, "Explanation in Mathematics"

Marcus, "The Eleatic and the Indispensabilist"

Marcus, "Explanation and Indispensability"

Marcus, "Problems with Quine's Indispensability Argument"

Marcus, "Quine's Indispensability Argument"

Marcus, "Toward Autonomy Platonism"

Marcus, "Why the Indispensability Argument Does Not Justify Belief in Mathematical Objects"

Melia, "Field’s Programme: Some Interference"

Melia, "Response to Colyvan"

Melia, "Weaseling Away the Indispensability Argument"

Mill, from A System of Logic

Mueller, "Aristotle on Geometric Objects"

Papineau, "Philosophy of Science"

Paseau, "Scientific Platonism"

Plato, Selections on Mathematics

Potter, "What is the Problem of Mathematical Knowledge?"

Putnam, "Philosophy of Logic"

Quine, "Existence and Quantification"

Quine, On Mathematical Recreation

Quine, "On What There Is"

Quine, "Success and the Limits of Mathematization"

Quine, "Truth By Convention"

Quine, "Two Dogmas of Empiricism"

Quine, "Two Dogmas" (the original version)

Quine, "Whither Physical Objects"

Resnik, "A Naturalized Epistemology for a Platonist Mathematical Ontology"

Russell, "On Our Knowledge of General Principles"

Russell, "How A Priori Knowledge is Possible"

Russell, Letter to Frege

Smullyan, "The General Idea Behind Gödel’s Proof"

Sober, "Mathematics and Indispensability"

Sutherland, "Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics and the Greek Mathematical Tradition"

Tiles, "Cantor's Transfinite Paradise"

Tiles, "Numbering the Continuum"

von Neumann, "The Formalist Foundations of Mathematics"

Wittgenstein, Selections from Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics

Yarnelle, An Introduction to Transfinite Mathematics