Philosophy 104: Introduction to Ethics

Russell Marcus, Instructor. Email me.

Queens College, Spring 2006


Our last quiz will be on Monday, May 15.

Preparatory Information Regarding the Final Examination

Many of the files on the site are in pdf format. Download the latest version of the free pdf reader.


Course Material


Reading Guides

Lecture Notes


Exam Preparation Materials


Links to Sites I Recommend for This Course

The Queens College Writing Center


For the Theory Portion of the Course:

The Aghori, Hindu cannibals. A German cannibal.

Resources on Moral Relativism


A Nice Kant Page, not specific to his moral philosophy, but with links to texts and a few other good pages

Aristotle and Virtue Ethics, good links, but also a lot of distracting material

Proudhon on "Property is Theft"

Mandeville, and the Fable of the Bees

On the Free Market

Libertarians in favor of the free market

Progressives, opposed to the free market

Each of the above two websites is worth some time

Applications of the Prisoner's Dilemma, not entirely accurate, but interesting

An iterated (repeated) Prisoner's Dilemma, with a simple interactive simulator

A sophisticated discussion of the Prisoner's Dilemma

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Philosophy Dictionary


For the Practice Portion of the Course:

Abortion Facts, from the Alan Guttmacher Institute

A detailed examination of issues surrounding drug legalization, by the Cato institute

The DEA's position on drug legalization

An amazing array of material about capital punishment.

A timeline regarding capital punishment.

The Website for Big Love, the HBO soap opera about polygamy.

Divorce Statistics, from the Census Bureau (a report with lots of charts), and from an anti-divorce group (clearer, and more historical).



Other Links

Some Philosophy Departments in the New York Area

CUNY Graduate Center



A Few More Links

Thoughts, Arguments and Rants, a Philosophy Blog

The Guerilla Radio Show: Philosophy Radio on the Web

The American Philosophical Association

Guide to Philosophy on the Net (Links to everything, many are broken)

Philosophy of Mind Dictionary


Ted Rall's Website

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy